
I've made a bunch of interesting tools and demos over the years, and they're now available here!

All of the source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or later.


  • Math Game: Practice addition and subtraction by solving problems before your screen fills up.
  • Newton's Method: A simulator for Newton's Method: input a polynomial up to n=8, differentiate it, and take it step-by-step through the method until a root is found. Includes a neat graph so you can see what's going on!
  • ...more to come!


I've made an SVG version of the classic IBM slide: "Computers can never be held accountable; therefore, computers must never make a management decision".

I wrote a rigourous and extremely-serious scientific paper, Ultra High Voltage Therapy (AHHH) and its Applications on Undergraduate Students: An Uncontrolled Study.